Blog List

Blog List

Which Bioaerosol Capture Policy Will You Embrace?

August 17, 2023

Including ISO standards in evacuation policies so that compliance of their staff will advance the goal of a smoke free operating room.

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Is the Price Too High?

January 17, 2022

Is the price too high for effective protection of the health of your surgical team? If you answered No, then you are rightfully concerned.

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It’s time for the surgical smoke evacuation industry to come out of the ether!

December 28, 2021

Can effective bioaerosol capture be considered an adjunctive method of infection control?

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Ineffective Compliance vs. Value-Based Outcomes

September 22, 2021

The time to choose is now!

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“Surgical Bioaerosol Capture” Supplants the less Descriptive Term, “Surgical Smoke Evacuation”

November 3, 2020

The phrase, “smoke evacuation” is DEAD!  It died when the coronavirus arrived. As elective surgery was pushed aside to prepare for increased medical hospital admissions, epidemiologists were questioning the pathogenicity of bioaerosols.

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Time to Get Going

September 16, 2020

Thanks to Covid-19, our focus has shifted from removal of surgical smoke to capturing as many bioaerosols as technology allows.

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Using the Principles of Surgical Smoke (Aerosol) Capture for Covid Control

July 22, 2020

The principles of aerosol control learned in the hospital setting should work as well for the aircraft environment.

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I Am Not A Luddite but I Do Think Simpler Is Better

May 6, 2020

A Simpler Solution for Increased Safety of the COVID-19 Caregiver

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Viral Aerosol Capture

April 24, 2020

Nascent Surgical has expanded the usefulness of its highly effective aerosol capture device which is currently used to remove surgical plume. The alternative use is for protection of the healthcare worker that cares for the hospitalized, isolated COVID-19 patient.

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Clinical Product Trial- a Vendor’s Perspective

July 29, 2019

I’ve recently been involved in a number of clinical trials of our “miniSquair® surgical smoke and bioaerosol capture device. It is a component of a smoke evacuation “system” which consists of the smoke capture device (the ESU “pencil” or the miniSquair®), a length of flexible tubing, an ULPA filter and a smoke…

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