miniSQUAIR Article by Dr. Schultz Published in AORN Journal

miniSQUAIR Article by Dr. Schultz Published in AORN Journal

An article written by Nascent Surgical CEO, Dr. Leonard Schultz, was published in the February 2014 issue of the AORN Journal.

AORN Journal
Volume 99, Issue 2 , Pages 289-298, February 2014

An Analysis of Surgical Smoke Plume Components, Capture, and Evacuation

Leonard Schultz, MD, FACS


Chronic exposure to surgical smoke can transmit viruses; lead to respiratory illness; and increase the risk of more serious conditions, including Alzheimer disease, collagen and cardiac diseases, and cancer. Despite this, surgical smoke plume capture and evacuation devices are often used sporadically or not at all, and do not necessarily reduce costs per procedure. In addition, the current choices for smoke plume capture are varied, and health care providers may make decisions about what type of method to use based on marketing materials rather than facts, leaving most clinicians and managers frustrated and cynical about supporting the effort to capture surgical smoke plume. This article presents current data and information that purchasing teams can use to help choose the best available technology for their practice patterns. It also provides analysis to help those responsible for choosing smoke evacuation systems make rational decisions in their quest to provide a clean, safe environment in the OR.

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