More than Compliance is Needed to
State-based Smoke Evacuation Mandates

You Deserve Value Based Outcomes

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Proven Most Effective to Remove
Bioaerosols & Nanoparticles*
within the Surgical Plume

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*Which are respectively associated with post-operative wound infection and serious systemic diseases after chronic exposure.

New Smaller Sizes

For Surgical Procedures Requiring
Tighter Spaces or Greater Mobility

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SQUAIR® Surgical Smoke, Nanoparticle and Viral Aerosol Capture Device

SQUAIR® has been proven to effectively capture surgical smoke and other airborne transmitted bioaerosols offering enhanced protection to the perioperative team and those treating patients with infectious respiratory illnesses.

*University of Minnesota Department of Mechanical Engineering Particle Calibration Laboratory. Bernard Olson, Ph.D., Manager. Dtd. Nov. 21 and 30, 2011

Proven Most Effective for Capturing Surgical Smoke

Surgical Smoke Seminar

Surgical Smoke Seminar

Learn why you should care about surgical smoke in the O.R. View the seminar video presentation from Leonard Schultz, M.D.

miniSQUAIR Surgical Smoke Capture Device

Placement Guides

View videos and step by step instructions on the use of the SQUAIR®.